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Head Women Bootbag

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Travelers can carry the Women's Bootbag like a handbag or a backpack, thanks to an innovative and ergonomic strap design and unique handles. The thoughtfully-designed and fashion-forward Bootbag adds style plus 30L of space for boots and a helmet. The durable outer material holds up to frequent use and travel.

Verfügbarkeit: Neuware / Auf Lager

45,00 €   39,00 €

PROMO der Woche: GRATIS VERSAND innerhalb Deutschlands/Österreich und ab €249 Bestelwert


Travelers can carry the Women's Bootbag like a handbag or a backpack, thanks to an innovative and ergonomic strap design and unique handles. The thoughtfully-designed and fashion-forward Bootbag adds style plus 30L of space for boots and a helmet. The durable outer material holds up to frequent use and travel.


Marke Head
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